This recipe is provided by our partners at Suggestic Premium. For more recipes just like this, download the myDNA app. There are a variety of recipes, customized for your genetic outcome. DanceRX customers receive a month free with their purchase of our genetic test.
Prep Time:
Minutes: 10 minutes | Total Time In Seconds: 600
- 3 kiwi, sliced
- 1 cup spinach
- 2 bananas, sliced
- 1 cup orange juice
- 1 tbsp lime juice
- 4 tbsp unflavored pea protein powder (or other)
- Add all ingredients to a blender and blend on high until everything is smooth. Serve immediately.
1 Serving | 600 g | 617 kcal
- Protein:105 kcal – 17%
- Carbs:486 kcal – 79%
- Fat:26 kcal – 4%
- Omega3:0 kcal – 0%
Nutrients per Serving:
- Calories: 39
- Sugar: 58
- Fiber: 35
- Saturated Fat: 33
- Monounsaturated Fat: 17
- Polyunsaturated Fat: 32
- Trans Fat: 0
- Cholesterol: 0
- Sodium: 52
- Potassium: 3
- Vitamin A: 89
- Vitamin C: 58
- Vitamin B6: 4
- Vitamin B12: 0
- Vitamin B7: 0
- Vitamin D: 0
- Vitamin E: 98
- Choline: 8
- Calcium: 93
- Iron: 77
- Net Carbs:
- Protein: 23
- Carbs: 58
- Fat: 9
- dha: 0
- dpa: 0
- epa: 0
- ala: 0
- Omega3: 0
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